
Doclights wildlife film


Doclights is Germany’s leading producer in the Nature / Wildlife genre.  Our programs run in primetime slots on various German television stations, in cinemas and streaming platforms and on the international market. We co-produce and cooperate with all the large companies and producers in the genre.  More than 500 national and international awards since 2010 speak for themselves.


We can only achieve all of this because of our network of world-class film teams and long-standing relationships with broadcast and distribution partners. Not forgetting all the inspiring authors, composers, narrators and graphic designers with whose help we can continue to surprise and enthuse our audiences again and again.


In this way, more than 20 event-productions are created for our global audience every year. Each one a little adventure in itself. A big thank-you goes to all our partners and the many committed participants in these productions. We look forward to many more exciting journeys together into the natural world around us.


Our Partners:

Our Team

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Diam voluta:




Jonah Warnke
Assitent Postproduction
Kaja Galonska
New Media Producer
Klaus Müller
Head of Postproduction
Markus Lilje
Online Producer
Simon Riedel
Executive Producer
Tina Muffert
Tom Synnatzschke
Executive Producer
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Factual Entertainment

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Studio Hamburg Produktion Gruppe:
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